Acupuncture & Biopuncture
What is Acupuncture?
Developed centuries ago by Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a safe, proven therapy to identify and open blocked energy that runs close to the skin’s surface throughout the body. The human body’s energy system is vast. It is also governed by ‘meridians’ which, are the flow of energy associated with specific organs. Needles or other therapies are precisely applied energy delivered to acupuncture points that clear blocked energy meridians to correct imbalances in digestion, absorption, circulation, or energy production activities. Acupuncture can be used in many treatments for chronic and acute pain, neurological disorders such as post-stroke recovery, upper eye, ear disorders, addictions, depression, respiratory disorders, digestive disorders, and urinary and reproductive disorders. Improved energy and biochemical balance can result in stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities.
Biopuncture is an injection therapy in which specific body zones or points are injected with highly diluted natural products derived from plants to regulate inflammatory processes and support natural repair mechanisms. Biopuncture injections are administered into the skin or muscles by a trained practitioner as an adjunctive therapy.