Cold Laser Therapy
Cold Laser Therapy is a technology used to deliver a wide range of precise hertz frequencies non-invasively. When Cold laser therapy is applied, in combination with electrical stimulation can be one of the most effective therapies available for back and neck pain, musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, Achilles tendon pain, migraine headaches, sprains, carpal tunnel, and other body pains. The use of cold laser therapy can be associated with increased levels of serotonin that can enhance the body’s natural healing capacities.
Cold Laser Therapy is ideal for the treatment of chronic pain due to soft tissue injury or disease. The gradual therapeutic deep tissue heating from laser relaxes muscle spasms and relieves pain from soft tissue injuries while improving function.
This treatment is FDA cleared and enables patients to have an alternative to drugs and surgery. Laser treatments take just minutes, depending on the condition. The treatment is administered directly to the skin for better efficacy. Patients generally see results after 2 to 5 treatments. We will develop a treatment plan that is optimal for your condition.
Learn more about the cold laser technology at
Please remember to wear light colored clothing and undergarments for each laser visit. Thank you.